・Business purpose
Obesity is a risk factor for the development of many diseases including lifestyle diseases. The combination of eating habit and exercise habit, which are beneficial for health, works synergistically to improve body fat, prevent obesity and maintain and improve health. Thus, Fukushima Prefecture is working on food education activities and enhancement of exercise guidance and physical education classes at schools as well as enrichment of exercising opportunities in each community. In 2018, a hands-on activity was conducted with cooperating elementary schools, having schoolchildren measure their own physical indicators (body fat, daily activity amount), along with the development of a lunch menu that maximizes the functionality of traditional ingredients. Based on those results, we aim to help schoolchildren understand how daily diets and exercise form our past, present and future bodies, develop and provide school lunch menus that maximize the functionality of traditional ingredients, teach schoolchildren the significance of improving body fat and how to achieve it through hands-on activities in which schoolchildren measure their own physical indicators (body fat, daily activities).
・Business description
- Scientific demonstration of the effects of Panax ginseng on body fat improvement function, provision of traditional food lunch menu, and transmission of information.
- Promoting the understanding of body fat improvement by hands-on experience of physical index (body fat, daily activity) measurement by schoolchildren themselves.